In the pantheon of awkwardness, writing about oneself for an About Me page ranks somewhere between walking the same direction as a friend after you’ve already said goodbye and listening to your own recorded voice.

I’m a words person by trade. Some of those words assemble themselves into code, some stumble into blog posts, and a lucky few find their way into superlative About Me pages.

As far as programming goes, if left to my own devices I work in a backend-focused, fullstack capacity using either Laravel or Elixir. You can find my work, including the code for this blog, on my GitHub page.

In a team setting, I am as code-agnostic as they come. I’m happy to learn any language, any framework, any tool necessary to accomplish the task at hand. I learn quickly, think carefully, and communicate frequently to make sure everybody’s aligned in action and intent no matter their role or expertise.

I’m available for any inquiries — professional, technical, literary, epistemological, or otherwise — on Twitter `@mariowhowrites` or via email at `{my-first-and-last-name}`.